Thursday, October 16, 2008

Vintage Knits and Bits!

Vintage Knitting Accessories.

Three packets of four double pointers - Jumpre,
Superfine and Stratnoid.
Three packets of Abel Morrall's Twin-Pin circular
Tortoiseshell circular needle and wool winder.
Beehive Knitting Pin Gauges Box.
Wooden wool winder and knitting pin holder.
E-Z-Knit (instead of winding the wool on your right
hand finger as if to knit continental style, simply
take the wool through this novel holder - states - "No
Experience necessary for perfect, even stitches
automatically kept at constant tension").

Inside the Beehive Knitting Pin Gauges box containing
three gauges.

Above Bucilla Daisy Knitter, instructions and box.

Above - a small selection of Daisy Winders/Knitters/Looms.

Above - the back of the Marcia Lyn Daisy Loom


Chargette said...

My husband found a Daisy-Loom from his mother's belongings today. I'm online seeing if anyone has tried using one of these and what their results are.

I facilitate a small knit and crochet group at our church and I like to take things like this in for show and tell.

I like the collection that you have. I can only imagine the story behind each of them.

crazyhaberdasher said...

Hi Chargette!
Thankyou for your lovely comment. I hope you find what you are looking for. There are vintage books still available showing what can be made using these daisy looms. I know also that the vintage Patons Woolcraft book has a pattern for a baby shawl/blanket using the daisy loom/wheel. So wonderful to have a show and tell with your knit and crochet church group, wish I could be there!!

crazyhaberdasher said...

Forgot to let you know it is me ... Marian/Maz of Knittingbee!
cheers, Maz